Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Character Concepts


  1. These look awesome, they kind of remind me of the incredibles!

  2. Haha she looks great! I like how you change your method of texturing on clothing and stuff too

  3. Hey Adam - great to see you pushing this along nicely: I think her head is just a bit 'too' big - not by much - but in relationship with the bodyguard? What do you think? I also wonder if a design on her t-shirt might add further interest to her - some kind of slogan like 'Star' or 'No 1' or anything really to further tell us that she's an egomaniac!

    1. hey phill il play around with the size of her head and altar the t shirt later today, maybe the head is a little big I just thought it would be ironic as the star's incredibly egotistic and big headed haha
